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Appointments and Prices

Face to Face

Initial assessment 50 - 60 mins £50

Follow-up 45 mins £45

Initial Acupuncture assessment  45 mins £45

Follow-up Acupuncture sessions 30 mins £30

1:1 Pilates 60 mins £50


Initial assessment 40 mins £40

Follow-up 30 mins £30


What can I expect from my initial appointment?


At your first visit, the therapist will take details of your medical history and relevant information concerning your current problem.  You will be physically assessed, treated, and given a comprehensive Home Exercise Program (HEP).


What can I expect at follow-up appointments?


At follow up appointments, your therapist will give you further assessment and treatment as needed.   These are an opportunity to see how you are progressing and continue to tailor your HEP to help you improve further.


What can I expect from my acupuncture appointments?


Usually, it's a course of three 30 minutes sessions which can be extended to six if successful.


1:1 Hip/Knee Prehab

Prehabilitation – “prehab” for short – is an exercise therapy program started at least six weeks (and preferably longer) before surgery. You can help yourself to regain muscle strength and functional fitness before surgery which can help you get back on your feet faster after your replacement with shorter hospital stays and fewer outpatient physio sessions.


Block of four sessions (one 45 min session and three 30 mins). Access to personalised interactive exercise program. Total £120


Physiotherapy appointment and assessment
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